Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hey family and friends,

The last few posts came from a personal log book I have been keeping on this journey. I find that such a log book meets my need for creativity and reflection. At the same time, I want to keep you all updated on our travels. To try to plant two trees with one seed, I decided I would make edits to the personal logs so that they would be blog worthy. Although it would still read like a personal log, it would contain all the entertaining details to let you know that these three playful persons are on a fun and meaningful adventure.

However, a few details not meant for your eyes slipped through. I would like to express my sincerest remorse for my lack of consideration and my own discomfort in sharing such details. I want this to remain a safe, open, and equal space for the members of this trip as well as the people supporting and reading about our journeys.

Please keep reading. If you have questions or would like to comment directly or have ideas on how to keep this blog suited to yours/everyones needs, you can always contact me at my email address Again, my apologies!


1 comment:

  1. Hey I read your previous post Pipes. Very well written and it reveals you and your friends passion. By the way I am the farmer with the mallberry trees and heated discussions. Although I can't appologize for what I believe I can certainly appologize for my aggessiveness and intrusion. As you already know I am passionate for my faith in Jesus and only want the same for others. It is a work of God and not the work of any man. That is what I forget and often times it results in a negative experience. But one thing that I am comforted in is that God works together for good for those who love him.
    I would have to say that I am envious of you three young men. Boy do I wish I could experience what you are. Cherish every bit of it and try not to get on each others nerves. You are doing what very few have done. Never become old but remain young and bold at heart. Failing to do so you'll end up like those New York suburbs you were talking about.
    Good luck and may God bless you on your journey,

    John Deckert

    P.S.- you guys motivated me to start my own blog today. Not much written but I intend to blog about my experience with you three that evening. It was an important event for me as well. You bikers inspired me.
